Monday, February 28, 2011

Little girl (or boy) apron

 A simple little apron that I put together to add to a raffle we did to raise money at my son's kindy.  My daughter who modelled it, didn't want to let it go!  I am keen to make a few of these for my stall and hope that they are a hit.  Not sure what price I should ask for them though.  That's my problem, I never want to charge too much as I hate going to markets where homemade craft items are overpriced.  I have the template I used to make this if anyone wants it please let me know.

Long time, no see

There has been somewhat of a hiatus since I last posted on my blog as I have been busy with life and things I like to do have taken a back seat.  Over the past few months though I have rediscovered my love of reading and have been borrowing books from the library and enjoying a few new authors.  I will do some reviews on the books that I have read in the coming weeks so that others can get an idea of what there is to choose from.

I have started getting back in to the craft mode and have ventured back into Spotlight and Lincraft and spent a few dollars in anticipation of my annual Easter craft making for the kids.  This year though I am considering having a few items for sale at my market stall in April and my friend Cassie and I have been brainstorming and trialling a few ideas.  More of that later as well.

I am going to upload a few photos of various projects I have completed since last posting on the blog and would love to hear what others think of them.

Well, until I have more time I'll leave you with some pics to look over.